GetClients - Managing Customer Relationships

Managing customers relationships

Our services

Why to approach us?

Each client comes with specific expectations. Our approach to each task combines many years of experience, trends, strategic approach and focus on detail. A better part of our services is event management, but services related to communication strategy, PR and branding are also on the list. Specialty is consulting in community investments.


Event management

Organising different kinds of events, we respond to diverse needs of our clients, as not everyone is only interested in international conference. Frankly speaking, entertaining VIP clients and improving motivation of the employees are two completely different things. Every client has specific needs and requires an individual approach. Our advantage is an inventive approach, creative realisation, and honest production work. We keep coming up with new ideas to meet client´s expectations. Apparently we are getting on well, as our clients keep coming back.

So far we have organised the events for

  • 890 employees,
  • 1 Nobel Prize winner,
  • 148 non-profit organisations,
  • 240 company directors and senior executives.

Communication and media relations getClients Bratislava

Communication and media relations

We will let you into a small secret, which has been well-tried in practice. The absence of communication leads to the loss of customers. The companies taking their business seriously do not underestimate this fact and pay close attention to customer relationships. Some are successful, some still need to improve, and others deserve praise for at least trying.

Our clients have decided to keep up with the times, take into account the latest trends and develop their business in this area. We are trying to provide them with the most suitable solutions, whether it is a change of communication strategy, development of a PR plan, setting media relations, or development of branding strategy. Sometimes they need a “mere” consultation and confirmation that they are heading in a right direction.

Corporate social responsibility and community engagement - GetClients Bratislava

Corporate social responsibility and community engagement

If you want to make things well and develop good relationships with community, it doesn´t matter whether you are an international corporation or a local businessman. We have worked hard for years to achieve expertise in this area. As is so often the case, our achievements have been more appreciated abroad than at home. But profound knowledge of Slovak conditions allows us to help companies and non-profit organisations to outdo their competition in this area.

After establishing own company we have decided to lead by example, creating a unique business model that is to enable companies to increase return on investment and non-profit organisations to gain know-how and potential for development. Unsurprisingly, we called it getADVANTAGE. The uniqueness of the project has also been proved by renowned names of our co-partners: Microsoft, Develor, and EPIC.

V decembri 2013 sme usporadúvali event pre najvýznamnejších klientov spoločnosti SPP-distribúcia. Na zorganizovanie eventu sme si vybrali firmu getCLIENTS. So službami agentúry sme boli veľmi spokojní. Najviac oceňujeme ľudský prístup a promptné a flexibilné riešenie každej požiadavky, ktorá z našej strany vystala.

SPP-distribúcia, a.s.