Sometimes it is difficult to imagine what lies behind all those big titles. We would like to ensure you have very precise idea how we work so we share few examples of our recent projects with you.
When you have an idea and want to share it
Read moreWhen the communication is to support the sales and address new markets
Read moreWhen a foundation with 20 years of operating experience decides to do things differently
Read moreWhen there is courage to organise a really untraditional community game
Read moreWhen you believe that combining the ideas, knowledge and enthusiasm results in extraordinary...
Read moreWhen the client knows exactly what he wants, but the target group thinks otherwise
Read moreWhen a company cares about employees and positive atmosphere at a workplace
Read moreWhen a company wants to improve employee relations
Read moreFirma getCLIENTS pre nás usporiadala v roku 2014 až dve podujatia – novoročný večierok pre zamestnancov vo februári a teambuilding počas letných mesiacov. So službami agentúry getCLIENTS sme boli veľmi spokojní. My aj naši zamestnanci nesmierne oceňujú originalitu, partnerský prístup a najmä precízne prevedenie všetkých nápadov. Taktiež oceňujeme fakt, že všetci dodávatelia, s ktorými agentúra pracuje sú profesionáli vo svojich oblastiach. Z každého podujatia, ktoré pre nás getCLIENTS organizovali, sme mali dojem, že majiteľkám nesmierne záleží na tom, aby bolo podujatie jedinečné a nezabudnuteľné. Na agentúru getCLIENTS sa radi obrátime aj v budúcnosti.