GetClients - Managing Customer Relationships

Managing customers relationships

Our products

We also have a hand in these projects!

We have many ideas, so in addition to services provided to our clients we also design and implement our own projects. Well, they might not be investment aces, but they bring us joy, are useful and undoubtedly inspire others.


In 2014, we have introduced getADVANTAGE brand, a product line covering our services within corporate social responsibility.

The first to see the light of day was an education centre for non-profit organisations. A unique model offers trainings that have not been available to the non-profit sector before. And since we are not able to lie down on the job, we have brought in foremost experts and established cooperation with reputable education institutions applying the latest teaching methods. The first results became visible two years later, when we have been commissioned by foreign companies to prepare trainings for their partners.

Being a big thing, getADVANTAGE has a website of its own:

Code name: MEETING

Events from the series Code name: MEETING are designed to address all women who are interested in the world around them, have desire to grow and ambition to set life to their own satisfaction, want to meet inspiring people and survive in the world overwhelmed with information.

Various formats, hot topics, interesting guests and inspiring atmosphere make these events so special.

Up-to-date list of events can be foundt at the website of the getADVANTAGE center.

getREADY - Future Lab

In 2018, we established the civic association getREADY - Future Lab. And we are truly excited about this step because we want to drive our efforts in the field of education, people development and development of the civic society forward. We complement our activities with data collection, analysis and surveys.

For the civic association we have created a separate web site

Spoločnosť getCLIENTS v roku 2013 zabezpečovala pre Top centrum podnikateliek organizáciu Európskeho dňa podnikateliek a manažérok, ktorý sa konal prvý raz v Európe. Na trojdňovom podujatí pod záštitou manželky prezidenta pani Silvie Gašparovičovej sa okrem podnikateliek zo Slovenska zúčastnili aj podnikateľky a manažérky z Českej republiky, Talianska, Nemecka, Chorvátska, Monaka a Ukrajiny. Celá organizácia bola mimoriadne náročná programovo aj organizačne. Tím spoločnosti getCLIENTS preukázal mimoriadnu profesionalitu, čím prispel k úspešnému priebehu celého podujatia.

Top Centrum podnikateliek