GetClients - Managing Customer Relationships

Managing customers relationships

About us

We love our work and people say they can feel it!

We lead our company as a team, which is rather unusual in Slovak conditions, but after all, that is exactly how we treat our clients. We do not pretend anything, get out of bed even for voluntary work, carefully choose our suppliers and pay their invoices without delay. We still believe that if we treat our suppliers fairly and honestly, they will help us to succeed. The suppliers are as important to us as the clients.

getClients about us illustration


o matter how hard we tried, various combinations of our names did not create any meaningful and catchy title. And so we decided to suppress our egos and focus on the clients. Anyway, all of our services revolve around them. This is how getCLIENTS came to existence.

Our work is our hobby and people say they can see it. Between you and me and the bedpost, clients most frequently appreciate our personal approach and prompt response to their needs. And as you have already learned, the company is run by two of us, so you won´t be surprised to hear that the pleasant feeling is doubled.

A better part of our services consists of designing, preparation and implementation of different types of events. Irrespective of the place, budget and format, every client has certain amount of expectations, which we try to meet.

Some clients decided to keep up with the times and adjust their communication strategy. They want to take into account the latest trends and attract the young generation. And since we are always seeking the best possible solutions, we get the best results.

If you decide to contact us, you must be searching for “something” that can help you to improve and build customer relationships. If you are just at the very beginning of your journey, we can show you the direction and recommend the best way how to reach it, whether it is an event or a communication strategy.


We believe that cooperation is a key. We are open to partnerships creating innovation, efficacy and win-win situations.

Many of our projects focus on internal communication and design of employee development programs. Hence our passion is technology developing this area of business we are a proud partner of XperienceHR.


Lenka Iľanovská

Lenka Iľanovská“Lenka is a woman with whom I am thinking up new things and implementing new ideas, and I still enjoy it. As we have been doing it for 20 years now, there were loads and loads of them! As a business partner she has my full confidence. She always keeps her word and does exactly what she says.

I did not hesitate to establish a company with her without signing any “agreement”, as we are both fully aware that we value our friendship much more than our business. That´s also the reason why it is all working for us.”

- Katarína

Katarína Podracká

Katarína Podracká

“It is said that partners start to look like each other over time. Unfortunately for me, we will be the exception to the rule. But a good partnership is not about the resemblance; it is rather about complementing one another. And that´s how we work most of the time.

Katarína is a full-time mom, so she has a patience of a saint. She is not obsessed with details, and even less with Excel tables, but if you want to come up with something really inventive and extraordinary, she is the right person to discuss. She is moving things forward. For me she is not only the Reason why I have started the business but also, and mostly, a precious friend.”

- Lenka

We found in getCLIENTS that sensitivity, high attention and deep understanding that are crucial when communicating for the nonprofit sector. getCLIENTS consultants are very professional, solution-oriented, proactively trying to identifying new PR opportunities. They manage to successfully promote our projects in Slovak media, in times when journalists’ attention is directed mostly on the economic and political scene, and less on issues such as social integration, education, contemporary culture.

Die ERSTE österreichische Spar-Casse Privatstiftung, Viedeň