GetClients - Managing Customer Relationships

Managing customers relationships

Corporate Event

When a company wants to improve employee relations


The company focusing on the sale of distribution capacities, operation and maintenance of gas network; it is responsible for the reliable, safe and efficient distribution of natural gas from transmission networks through gas distribution systems to end customers.


Our task was to plan and implement informal sport event for company’s employees and their families. The aim of the event was to reward employees for their good work and provide them with a chance to enjoy the time spent together with their colleagues, friends and families. The event for ca 400 people was to take place outside Bratislava, and our task was to provide a daylong programme for different age categories.


The biggest challenge was to prepare an all-day programme for various age groups, which would keep balance between sport and entertainment, and create room for collective and individual activities. Given the place (outdoor) and large number of participants it was also necessary to prepare a “rainy day variant”.


We developed a creative design for an event in the manner of a summer picnic. It took place at a large ranch, which provided beautiful environment and holiday atmosphere. The participants had at their disposal the mix of sport and creative activities. The sale of products of local sheltered workshops added the touch of charity to the event. The winners of individual contests were announced and rewarded at the dinner party. We put emphasis on the selection of appropriate personnel: a moderator, animators, referees, hostesses, etc.


The event met with a positive response. The employees appreciated mainly the venue, varied programme and the presence of nearly all members of company´s top and executive management. The event strengthened relations within individual branches, increased employees´ motivation and contributed to the improvement of company´s image.

Spoločnosť getCLIENTS v roku 2013 zabezpečovala pre Top centrum podnikateliek organizáciu Európskeho dňa podnikateliek a manažérok, ktorý sa konal prvý raz v Európe. Na trojdňovom podujatí pod záštitou manželky prezidenta pani Silvie Gašparovičovej sa okrem podnikateliek zo Slovenska zúčastnili aj podnikateľky a manažérky z Českej republiky, Talianska, Nemecka, Chorvátska, Monaka a Ukrajiny. Celá organizácia bola mimoriadne náročná programovo aj organizačne. Tím spoločnosti getCLIENTS preukázal mimoriadnu profesionalitu, čím prispel k úspešnému priebehu celého podujatia.

Top Centrum podnikateliek