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When there is courage to organise a really untraditional community game


The art initiative focused on the implementation of contemporary art projects in Central Europe, which allows for a dialogue between artists, curators, art critics, other art professionals and the public. The initiative has actively supported local artistic and theoretical activities, while preferring individuals and smaller projects.


Promoting a unique project, Bojárt Market, in media to attract prospective participants. The project of an internationally recognised Czech artist, Kateřina Šedá, was aimed at reviving the Market, point out the uniqueness of the place within the city, make it more attractive and attract new visitors.


Kateřina Šedá is an internationally recognised artist whose projects have been implemented in many European capitals including Prague and Berlin. In Slovakia, however, her work is rather unknown. Besides, the concept of a socially-minded philanthropic project involving a large group of people has been implemented in Slovakia for the first time.


The artist chose the Market at Trnavské mýto in Bratislava as a setting. The post-modern building, which once served as a lively market place, is today in a very bad technical condition. Since the organiser assumed that the competition would attract attention of mostly the elderly who are among the most frequent visitors to the Market, we targeted the communication toward younger generations.

We chose attractive messages and communicated them through classical and social media, combined with advertisement. The Market, which used to be a lively market place, was presented as a place that deserves the second chance. The communication fully used the potential of the game concept based on a TV show Fort Boyard, which was very popular in this part of the world.


As a result of a high quality media coverage and well-chosen communication strategy, over 150 participants, mostly young people, entered for a competition. During two days they searched for parts of equipment, architectural elements, or objects not intended for sale. The concept of party game met with a very positive response not only in media but also among participants and vendors.

Firma getCLIENTS pre nás usporiadala v roku 2014 až dve podujatia – novoročný večierok pre zamestnancov vo februári a teambuilding počas letných mesiacov. So službami agentúry getCLIENTS sme boli veľmi spokojní. My aj naši zamestnanci nesmierne oceňujú originalitu, partnerský prístup a najmä precízne prevedenie všetkých nápadov. Taktiež oceňujeme fakt, že všetci dodávatelia, s ktorými agentúra pracuje sú profesionáli vo svojich oblastiach. Z každého podujatia, ktoré pre nás getCLIENTS organizovali, sme mali dojem, že majiteľkám nesmierne záleží na tom, aby bolo podujatie jedinečné a nezabudnuteľné. Na agentúru getCLIENTS sa radi obrátime aj v budúcnosti.

DuPont Slovakia s.r.o.